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Regarding the internal audit activities, the Audit Subcommittee   5. Reviewing compliance and whistle blowing
           raised awareness among OSMEP staff members about the role of
           internal audit activities and the importance of internal control   Reviewing compliance with important rules and regulations such
           to collaborate with auditees and support internal audit team.   as Personal Data Protection Acts; of the year 2019 (PDPA) by
           This results in effectiveness of operations in all departments     recommending about control over the sensitive data carefully.
           in order to achieve the determined objective through the    In addition, reviewing the whistle blowing process that Law
           continuous work performance.                      department is responsible for following up and reporting to
                                                             management by giving advice to report the complaints to the
           For developing the internal audit system, the Audit Subcommittee   Audit Subcommittee and OSMEP Executive Board regularly.
           gave advice to internal audit group to develop the internal audit
           system by means of preparing quality assurance and improvement   6. Attending the meetings with the management
           program in accordance with rules and regulations about internal
           audit standard issued by the Comptroller General’ s Department.   The Audit Subcommittee holds regular meetings with the
                                                             President of executive board of directors, Chief Executive Officer
           3. Reviewing the risk management system           and related departments, such as the SMEs policy and promotion
                                                             plan department, the Corporate strategy department and the
           The Audit Subcommittee has been informed of the operations of   Information technology department to understand and discuss
           the responsible parties regarding the risk management system.   significant plans, issues, and obstacles, which this operation
           The annual plan, therefore, is prepared and supervised by the   has received good cooperation from the management and all
           Risk Management and Internal Control Committee. Internal audit     related parties. Then, the Audit Subcommittee give thanks to
           group issued the topic that the reviewing IT risk management   OSMEP team members for this occasion.
           should be included in the Risk Management Committee meeting.
           Then, management agreed and cleared this issue in a timely

           4. Reviewing the Audit Subcommittee Charter

                                                                              On behalf of the Audit Subcommittee
           The Audit Subcommittee has reviewed the Audit Committee             (Ms. Nangnoi Charoenthaveesub)
           Charter prescribing the roles and responsibilities in accordance      Chairlady of the Audit Subcommittee
           with the rules and regulations set by the Ministry of Finance           Dated on April 25, 2023
           and the internal audit best practices and standards, which was
           completed and approved by the Board of directors of Office of
           Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion on June 23, 2022.

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