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5. General Administration Unit                    adequately thorough performance by OSMEP; and provides

                                                               comments or advice to the management and personnel on
             Responsibilities: Support and facilitate the performance of   assorted regulations and OSMEP’s legal proceedings.
             various units under OSMEP’s mission, namely accounting,
             finance, supplies, personnel administration, compliance, and   Risk Management
             litigation so that OSMEP personnel administration, compliance,   and Internal Control
             and litigation so that OSMEP protocols may become clearly
             defined, standardized, transparent, and accountable. These   OSMEP values risk management and internal control, both being
             responsibilities are conducted by:                critical tools for its efficiency and effectiveness. Section 79 of the
                                                               State Finance and Treasury Discipline Act, B.E. 2561 (2018), calls
             5.1  Central Administration Department            for public agencies to institute internal audits, internal control,
                 This department engages in tasks related to finance,     and risk management under the Ministry of Finance’s standard
             accounting and budget, supplies, and facilities in support of   practices and rules. Risk management and internal control also
             and easing OSMEP’s mission.                       represent an OSMEP performance indicator, to be assessed by
                                                               the Comptroller Department, and Ministry of Finance.
             5.2  Human Resources Department

                 This department plans an OSMEP workforce suiting its   OSMEP’s risk management and internal control system has
             mission; administers and develops personnel in support of     followed the standard of COSO (The Committee of Sponsoring
             efficient performance; defines development plans and enhances   Organizations of the Treadway Commission) since 2005.
             OSMEP’s culture, ethics, and good governance.     Risk management and internal control plans harmoniously
                                                               align with OSMEP’s strategic plans, with endorsement by the
             5.3  Legal Affairs Department                     Executive Subcommittee for OSMEP. In practice, a taskforce for
                 This department investigates and recommends solutions   risk management and internal control defines a policy scope,
             or amendments to legislation and rules that benefit or hinder   strategies, and guidelines on organizational risk management
             SME businesses; drafts, amends,  and adds to regulations for   and internal control; and oversees and controls risk management
                                                               processes for more suitable and efficient practices by OSMEP.

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