Page 62 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
P. 62

Suggestions for the Implementation of MSME
                          Promotion in further phrase

           Preparation of Annual Action Plan The situations of urgent
           need should be considered with appropriateness corresponding to the
           problem of SMEs in each business group, as SMEs are still affected by
           COVID-19, as well as the effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the
           inflationary situation that affects the economic crisis that still affects
           the business However, the framework of the project plan should be
           evident in the target groups that will be proactively promoted and the
           target groups that are fundamental development due to diverse needs.

           Emphasizes on Economic Development and SME after
           COVID-19 affects the growth and sustainability of the economy, for
           •  Utilize targeted industry promotion policies and develop special   •  Encourage entrepreneurs at the local level to be strong by expanding
             economic zones to benefit SMEs.                   technology. Innovation is linked to the development of local strengths.
           •  Implementation of the Green Economy concept leading to sustainable    Encourage startup groups to be part of the development in the area
             economic development. The goal is to create a good quality of life   and more economic and social development.
             and equality for the people by minimizing negative impacts on the   •  Expanding the results of monitoring the situation of SMEs to the
             ecosystem and the environment. For example, reducing resource   area level. And there is a real-time tracking and linking database of
             use, alternative energy, efficient waste management, or effects on   various agencies.
             the environment and people.                     •  Accelerating the development of promotion mechanisms to create
           •  Applying the concept of Digital Economy, both digital technology   conducive factors, such as developing BDS mechanisms for private
             and the Internet to be applied to the production process to improve   service units to meet standards. Providing information or advice on
             productivity, process, and / or change the Business Model to be more   aggressive marketing, especially in foreign markets.
             digital to control while enhancing the opportunity to generate income,   •  Encourage SME entrepreneurs to access resources, raw materials,
             as well as reaching consumers.                    and effective planning.
           •  Innovation development to enhance competitiveness. Raise the    •  Promote SME market to enhance demand and the development of
             productivity and quality of SME products. Each country often uses   new potential markets. Support for products-services and innovative
             the Triple Helix Model of innovation, which is innovation development   trade as well as build knowledge and understanding and promote
             through the cooperation of the government, universities, and SMEs,   consumers the innovative products, Green products, etc.
             with the government facilitating and promoting appropriate budget   •  Promote SME business using Big Data for management to enhance
             and resources.                                    new business opportunities.
           Types of SME Promotion projects that should be    OSMEP should play a role in the committee or working
           implemented in the future.                        group solving problems. Develop, promote, or drive plans
           •  To promote the adaptation of strategies by Small and Medium-sized   related to or affecting SMEs. For example, giving opinions or
             Enterprises (SMEs) to meet customer demands, various forms of   evaluating essential projects that involve the achievement of national
             services should be offered through online platforms. These services   strategic goals and the master plan under the national strategy (Flagship),
             include options like Point of Sale Financing (POS), buy now, pay   participating in the committee about driving the targeted industries and
             later (BNPL), and other incentives to encourage SMEs to develop   services of the future, Participating in a committee related to driving or
             or embrace diverse platforms. Examples of such incentives could   revitalizing the tourism sector, etc.
             involve subsidies through vouchers and tax measures, among other
             supportive initiatives.                         The development of OSMEP personnel and working systems
           •  Projects / measures to attract significant private sector help support,     is conducive to driving toward being a System integrator
             including creating trade alliances for the development of SME     and demonstrating leadership in various stages to achieve acceptance,
             entrepreneurs.                                  including improving the data structure and management. For example,
           •  Promotion of logistics cost reduction projects or support for the   linking relevant internal and external database systems and linking Big
             integration of small exporters to reduce transportation costs.  Data in decision-making, planning, and warning promptly. Collaboration
           •  Development of entrepreneurs in the tourism sector linking business   and internal working mechanisms must be forwarded and coordinated
             partners’ cost adjustment using technology to enhance opportunities   in various research databases to design policies, plans, projects, and
             and manage.                                     monitoring and evaluation.

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