Page 57 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
P. 57

Outcome of Achievement by metrics
                            under OSMEP Action Plan for 2022

             To create economic value of                               Classified by economic value: million baht
             25,670.18 million baht.                   HIP         Smart Service   Smart SME   Smart Organization

                 Actual value at the end of the project.
                                              Classified by strategy
                 Expected value in the next 1 year  17,938.24         858.02         1,552.52          0.00

          Total economic                        (million baht)
                value               20,348.78
                         5,321.40                        0.00           0.00         5,321.40             0.00
      The value of domestic
        sales increased by           15,044.92
       a total of 19,905.58   4,860.66       Contributes   to the overall   economic value  17,938.24  858.02  6,873.92  0.00
            million baht

         The total export   3.15
        value increased by                                  18,796.26
        55.34 million baht  52.19

      The total investment   69.38                               0.00
        value increased by
       180.74 million baht  111.36

         Total increase in   4.01
      employment value of                          Early Stage
        48.61 million baht  44.60
             Total cost        5,211.07         Classified by MSME promotion groups (million baht) economic value
        reduction value of
      5,344.16 million baht  133.09                                                   157.06
            Total waste   0.01
        reduction value of                                                             36.10
         1.95 million baht  1.94

       The total production   0.00                                                  1,366.39
        productivity value
            increased by   15.68                   Small & Medium
        15.68 million baht

        Value of increased   0.00                                                   5,112.90
        labor productivity
              totaling   2.28
         2.28 million baht                        To create economic value of 25,670.18 million baht.
                                                  •  Actual value at the end of the project   20,348.78  million bath
            Other value   16.24
          added totaling                          •  Expected value in the next 1 year    5,321.40  million bath
       115.84 million baht  99.60

             Remark : Strategy Names under OSMEP's action plan for the year 2022
                   Strategy 1 : Enhance the integration of the country's MSMEs with BIG DATA (HIP).
                   Strategy 2 : Develop a mechanism to promote access to MSME and the community economy (Smart Service).
                   Strategy 3 : Creating an Entrepreneurial Society to Grow and Go Global (Smart SME).
                   Strategy 4 : Increase the potential of the organization to have high performance (High-Performance Agency) (Smart Organization).
                                                                                           Annual Report OSMEP 2022  55
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