Page 102 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
P. 102

•  Small and medium-sized enterprises within the juristic group (2nd sets of indices) exhibit a distinct growth potential, with
              medium-sized enterprises clearly surpassing small enterprises. Small enterprises, on average, demonstrate a potential and
              growth  opportunity  index  ranging  from  0.55  to  0.66,  reflecting  a  predominance  of  moderate  potential.  In  contrast,
              medium-sized enterprises display an average potential and growth opportunity index ranging from 0.59 to 0.78, reflecting
              medium to high potential throughout the year 2022.
           •  Regarding the sub-index, positive trends were identified across all four potential areas. The Business Fundamental index
              ranged from moderate in Q1 to high in Q4. Entrepreneurial Characteristics showed a notable progression from low in Q1 to
              moderate in Q4, while the Business operation index rose from high in Q1 to very high in Q4. Despite the overall positive trend
              in potential, the business performance potential is projected to decrease in 2022.

           •  When comparing the 1  and 2  sets of indices, it becomes evident that SMEs categorized as juristic persons possess significantly
              superior potential in terms of business fundamentals, entrepreneurial characteristics, and operational efficiency. However, the
              performance potential of these businesses is notably lower. Key contributing factors include:
              ◦ Corporate enterprises often exhibit larger scales, possessing  ◦ A juristic entity tends to be very profitable, causing a large
                more  assets,  production  capacity,  and  employment,   amount of corporate income tax to be paid. Therefore,
                rendering them more resilient compared to their smaller   there is a tendency to manipulate profits to make profit
                counterparts. The transition process for individual entities   numbers decrease for tax benefits.
                can  be  slower,  impeding  immediate  growth  despite  ◦ The calculation of the Performance Potential Index for a
                improvements in the business environment.       specific  case  of  a  juristic  SME  has  indicators  for  the
              ◦ A  juristic  entity  possesses  the  potential  to  prepare   proportion of other revenues that do not come from the
                accounting  and  financial  statements  in  accordance  with   sales  of  goods  and  services,  which  is  an  indicator  of
                higher  accounting  standards  compared  to  a  small   business risk diversification. It was found that almost all
                enterprise  operated  by  an  individual.  This  capability   businesses do not generate income from other sources.
                enables  the  comprehensive  reflection  of  business  costs,
                encompassing both monetary and non-monetary expenses,
                within the accounts and financial statements. Consequently,
                the profit figures of juristic persons tend to be lower than
                those of individual enterprises.

           Table 2 : Index of Potential and Growth Opportunity for Individual Medium and Small
                        Enterprises (2  sets of indices) in the Year 2022

                                                      Small Enterprises            Medium Enterprises
                                                 Q1/22 Q2/22 Q3/22 Q4/22 Q1/22 Q2/22 Q3/22 Q4/22

              Business Fundamental Index          0.70   0.63    0.61   0.73   0.91    0.90   0.80   0.88
              Entrepreneurial Characteristics Index  0.44  0.44  0.41   0.57   0.69    0.69   0.48   0.66
              Business operation Index            0.71   0.65    0.73   0.80   0.80    0.80   0.80    0.87

              Business Performance Index          0.50   0.48   0.58    0.53    0.71   0.70   0.27   0.42
              Potential Index and Growth Opportunity  0.59  0.55  0.58  0.66   0.78    0.77   0.59    0.71

           Note : Red refers to a low level on the Potential and Growth Opportunities Index / Yellow refers to a medium level on the Potential and Growth Opportunities Index /
           Green refers to a high level on the Potential and Growth Opportunities Index / Blue label refers to a very high level on the Potential and Growth Opportunities Index

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