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Trade Sector
 In 2022, major imports for MSMEs included raw materials such as gems and jewelry,
 steel,  automobiles,  and  component  parts.  These  sectors  expanded  significantly  in   Commercial Sector showed improvement compared to the previous year, driven by the recovery of
 response to rising raw material prices and global inflation.  economic activity. This improvement stemmed from increased spending on consumer goods and
                                    the country's reopening to international trade. Consequently, purchasing power from abroad also
 MSME imports are expected to expand again, particularly in the realm of raw materials,   rebounded.  The  construction  materials  trading  sector  experienced  a  rise  in  purchase  orders,
 aligning with MSME industrial product exports.  aligned with the demand from construction contractors.

                                    Agribusiness Sector

 Source: The Customs Department     Demand for agricultural products continues to grow, further bolstered by government support
 Analyzed by the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion  that has positively impacted the income of the agricultural sector. However, the livestock aspect
                                    still grapples with the burden of escalating feed costs, which persistently remain low. Additionally,
 MSME Entrepreneur Sentiment Index in the Country  weather conditions play a role in influencing investment costs, particularly those related to water,
                                    plant and animal nutritional supplements, fertilizers, and agricultural chemicals.

 The MSME Entrepreneur Sentiment Index for the country in 2022 averaged 51.3, an improvement over the 2021 average of
              The Number and Employment of Small and Medium-Sized
 42.4. This improvement can be attributed to the situation surrounding the Omicron strain of the COVID-19 virus, which began
 to subside. This led to increased travel and economic activities, including tourism. As a result, both domestic and foreign   Enterprises in 2022
 tourism expanded, aided by government measures aimed at stimulating the tourism sector. This positive trend has contributed
 to the gradual recovery of the country’s economy. Despite these improvements, challenges remain due to the accumulated
              The Number of MSME in 2022
 impact of COVID-19 over the past two years. Consumer purchasing power continues to be weak, and factors such as rising raw
 material  prices,  product  costs,  and  transportation  expenses  have  been  affected  by  the  indirect  consequences  of  the
 Russian-Ukrainian war. Furthermore, domestic inflation has led to increased living costs for the population and could   In 2022, the total number of MSMEs reached 3,178,378, constituting 99.54% of the overall enterprise count in the country.
 potentially impact future business operations.  This marked an increase of 0.29% compared to the previous period. Analyzing the establishment type, it was revealed that
              among these 837,147 were categorized as juristic persons, accounting for 26.26%, while 2,268,483 were individuals and other
              entities,  constituting  71.17%.  Additionally,  community  enterprises  numbered  81,748,  representing  2.56%.  These  figures
 When analyzing the different business sectors, it was observed that confidence improved across all sectors in 2022.
              collectively encompass all MSMEs, with the highest concentration found within the commercial sector. Specifically, there were
              1,335,629 instances, making up 41.90% of the total MSME count in the country.
 Manufacturing sector

 Manufacturing sector better growth compared to the previous year due to the reopening of many
                          Community Enterprises
 fully  operational  businesses.  This  includes  increased  activities,  such  as  festivals  and  training
 seminars. However, costs remain a significant concern in business operations, particularly regarding
                           representing 2.56%
 products  /  raw  materials,  utility  bills,  and  rising  transportation  expenses.  Part  of  this  can  be
 attributed to the COVID-19 lockdown, the Russian-Ukrainian War, and inflation. These factors have
 influenced consumer purchasing decisions and have impacted business performance.
                                                         Total Number                  Juristic Persons
 Service Sector                                           of MSMEs                         837,147

 Service Sector improved performance compared to the previous year, attributed to the country’s   3,178,378  representing 26.26%
 reopening and government initiatives to boost tourism. These measures have encouraged both Thai   Individuals and Others
 and foreign tourists to travel, leading to positive effects on the tourism and related business sectors.   2,268,483
 This improvement is evident in various activities, including tour companies, restaurants, guides,   representing 71.17%
 hotels, and tour contractors. Additionally, within the business sector, construction projects have
 begun to repair and renovate facilities in preparation for full business operations, providing support
 for the upcoming tourist season.

                                                                                           Annual Report OSMEP 2022  97
   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104