Page 96 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
P. 96

MSME Situation in 2022 by Business Size

                         Micro                               SEs                               MEs

                        14.1%                                2.0%                             4.5%

           Micro-businesses  continued  to  expand   SEs businesses experienced a slower   MEs businesses continued to exhibit
           as people resumed their normal lives,   recovery despite the overall economic   robust growth. Although MSME exports
           impacting travel and spending. Measures   improvement. However, issues with   saw a decline of 6.0%, impacting the
           aimed at stimulating spending, such  as   working capital persisted, partly due   manufacturing sector, businesses in
           the Co-payment scheme or We Travel   to the conclusion of payment waiver   the trade and service sectors sustained
           Together’ project “have contributed to   measures. Many banks, including the   their  expansion,  aligning  with  the
           increased income for small businesses.   cautious approach of granting additional   overall economic recovery of the
           Despite rising inflation, household spending   credit. Furthermore, inflation led to   country.
           and employment also continued to grow.   increased production costs for goods
           The number of foreign tourists also saw   and services, resulting in modest profit
           an expansion, particularly towards the   increments.
           end of the year.

           MSME International

           Trade in 2022

           MSME Exports in 2022

           •   The value of goods exported by MSMEs in 2022 amounted
               to 1,060,207.9-million-baht, equivalent to 30,508.2
               million US dollars. This marked a decrease of 6.0%
               compared to the previous year. MSME exports constituted
               10.6%  of  the  total  export  value,  while  the  country’s   Export value of
               overall export value reached 287,068 million US dollars,
               reflecting a 5.5% increase from the previous year.  1,060,207.9 million baht
           •   The  primary  export  markets  for  MSMEs  in  2022  were   Decrease from
               ASEAN, China, the US, Japan, and the European Union.   the previous year 6.0%
               These  markets  accounted  for  nearly  80%  of  MSMEs’
               total export value. However, the value of MSME exports
               witnessed a decline in all major markets compared to   MSMEs held a share
                                                                 of the total
               the  previous  year.  The  Chinese  market  experienced  a
               sharp decline of 19.0% due to China’s Zero Covid measures,   export value10.6%
               while other markets were impacted by inflation, affecting
               both goods prices and purchasing power.

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