Page 72 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
P. 72

Micro                             Raising the standards of the FDA (MSME Step up)

                           Strategy 3
                           Expanding and internationalizing
                           a society of entrepreneurs          MSME Step up
                                                               Raising the standards of the FDA
                  Promote OTOP entrepreneurs in groups A and B,    The initiative aims to raise the level of food products for Thai entrepreneurs
                  pushing them into the government system.     and equip them with digital technology knowledge to apply technology
                                                               in their businesses.
               1,606       Commerce                     31%           •  Food Laws and Standards for Food Producers.
                                                                      •  Hygiene of production premises and food products.
              entrepreneurs                                           •  Safety assessment for applying for a food product license.
               have been
            upgraded to support    Agriculture         30%     in-depth     (1) Food products preparation for legal application.
                                                                        (2) Applying for permission to enter the government standard
             entrepreneurship                                  training
            in the Next Normal   Production         23%               •  Accessing the permission system with the FDA.
              era, classified                                         •  Applying for permission through the E-submission system.
              by the type of
               business:     Service            16%                   •  Step 1: Survey and assess the readiness of the preliminary
                                                                       establishment, view production process steps, and the raw
            The business sector that participated the most was the commercial sector, followed by the   materials used in production. Provide advice on filling out
            agricultural sector. Most of these entrepreneurs deal with processed agricultural products,   Consulting
            which are ready for initial marketing. Therefore, there is a similar proportion in the current   forms and preparing documents for applying for FDA numbers.
            market conditions, where most farmers turn to processing their own agricultural products   •  Step 2: Assist entrepreneurs in accessing the E-submission system
            and directly distributing them. They rely on children with technology knowledge to act as   or submitting forms at the Provincial Public Health Office.
            sellers of these products rather than going through middlemen, as was done in the past. This
            approach creates added value and reduces the problem of oppressing prices by middlemen.  •  Step 3: Consultants follow up on the request for document
                                                                       submission through the system or at the Public Health Office.
                                                                       They also notify SMEs of progress and offer advice to solve any
            Entrepreneurs classified by area:                          business problems.
           • Northeast: 420 cases    • Central region: 231 cases  entrepreneurs
                                                                into the
           • Southern region: 404 cases  • Western region: 95 cases  government   25 entrepreneurs received consultation on applying for
           • Northern region: 368 cases  • Eastern region: 88 cases  system  FDA standards.
            Recommendations for the development of small entrepreneurs in the future  Enhancing Digital Technology Proficiency
                                                               provide comprehensive knowledge and skills in digital technology for business
             In 2022, the number of                            operations, with a particular focus on applying online technology in marketing
            entrepreneurs who have                             and promotion for SMEs, using tools and equipment that are relevant to the
             been upgraded as small
             entrepreneurs through                             current business landscape.
            MSME Step Up has shown
            more interest in selling                                  •  Website building using the GoDaddy platform and website
            products online. According
              to the voices of   Online business  Enhance   Help SMEs   customization tools.
             entrepreneurs, OSMEP    competitiveness in   to survive  •  And customer relationship management techniques.
            would like to provide help   operation           in-depth training   •  Creating and managing Google SEC / VDO marketing campaigns.
                                                               in digital
               and support.           online business         technology and   •  Registering a domain name through the online
                                                              make experience   shop website.
                                                                in using
                         Office of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion  technology to   •  Managing customer information via Line OA.
                                                              enhance their   •  Content creation through Line, Facebook, TikTok, using Canva
                  aims to elevate and support                  business
                   small entrepreneurs in   Product standards: 212 cases.  operations.  and Kine Master programs.
                   their journey towards   Digital Technology: 1,394 cases.  •  Facebook Ads targeting and analysis, as well as purchasing
                   formalization, enabling                             Facebook Ads and utilizing Google My Business in-depth methods.
                  their operations in the next
                      normal era.  157 people entered the government   •  Promotion through O2O (online-to-offline) strategies.
                    To push more small   •  132 businesses were registered with the
                   entrepreneurs into the   Department of Business Development   •  entrepreneurs have the opportunity to participate in
                  government system into the   (DBD) system.   Promotion   promotional activities on the Shopee platform under the SME
                 government system, resulting   •  25 cases complied with Food and Drug   via O2O
                  in the following outcomes:  Standards.               Hybrid Fair campaign.
                                                                      entrepreneurs    132 entrepreneurs have successfully entered the
                   157.06 million baht                                government   government system through Trade Registration
                                                                       into the
                   Generate economic value from increased domestic sales value,  system  and DBD registration.
            Focus on promoting and developing SMEs according to their potential.
                New entrepreneur group aiming to increase   Entrepreneurs with online stores seeking  A group of potential entrepreneurs seeking
             1  online marketing channels.   2  to increase their competitiveness.  3  in-depth advice on doing business online.
                •  Provide basic knowledge of online marketing.  •  Promote products / services that are ready   •  Increase product development potential.
                •  Offer guidance on production and distribution.  to be sold on online platforms.  •  Enhance human resource development
                •  Enhance product photography skills.  •  Enhance skills and knowledge in digital   potential.
                •  Promote sales of products / services   technology.            •  Boost the potential of various environmental
                 through online platforms.      •  Systematically improve online store  factors.
                •  Consult and recommend products / services   •   management skills.  •  Drive and promote SME businesses by creating
                 suitable for the online market.                                  sustainable channels and opportunities to
                                                                                  sell products in the online market.
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