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                             Strategy 3                                       342 cases
                                                                              have developed the potential in operating business
                             Expanding and internationalizing                 with 292 business plans across five courses.
                             a society of entrepreneurs
                                                                              36.09 million baht
                     Promote opportunities for Phra Dabot's disciples,        contributed to an economic value by imparting
                     entrepreneurs, and the general public, especially        knowledge and enabling entrepreneurs to turn
                     those affected by the COVID-19 epidemic.                 their skills into profitable businesses.

                    Entrepreneurial development to       Entrepreneurial development aims to strengthen community businesses in alignment
                  strengthen community businesses,       with His Majesty's initiatives. We encourage entrepreneurs to gain business knowledge,
                                                         enabling them to unlock their potential and transition towards becoming successful
                 aligning with His Majesty's initiatives.  entrepreneurs, in line with the "Thailand 4.0" policy, and pursue sustainable careers.

                 Coffee Shop        Hydroponics     4 regions Chili Paste    Furniture           Mushroom
                  Courses:            Course:             Course:        Carpentry Courses:  Cultivation Course:

                  96 cases           83 cases            58 cases            55 cases            50 cases
             65 business plans 75 business plans 56 business plans       51 business plans 45 business plans

                                                                                                    average rating of
               Assessment results after receiving   potential development:  •  6.14% of participants were unable to apply   the project expressed their     Satisfaction Level after Training  Participants found the knowledge transfer to be clear  4.46
                                                The economic slowdown
                   •  92.98% of participants were able to apply
                                                                           The overall satisfaction level was high
                                                caused by COVID-19 has
                    their knowledge to work as entrepreneurs,
                                               led to a decline in consumer
                    resulting in a total income increase from the
                                               spending. Participants in
                    original 3.0077 million baht per month (average
                    of about 9,458.18 baht per person / month)
                                               desire for a comprehensive
                    to 36.09 million baht per year.
                                               body of knowledge to sustain
                                                 both their primary
                                                                         The content completeness received positive feedback
                    the acquired knowledge to their careers.
                                                  occupations and
                                                supplementary careers.
                   •  0.88% could not answer the question because
                                               Additionally, they emphasized
                    their future plans were still uncertain. They
                                                                         The training duration was considered appropriate
                                               the importance of acquiring
                    acknowledged the need for additional training
                                                 production skills to
                    and expertise before venturing into business,
                                                support their long-term
                                                                         The availability of equipment during the training
                    and they are willing to adapt and study further
                                                 career prospects.
                                                                         received a favorable response
                    before starting their businesses.
               Suggestion  It is essential to conduct an   Curriculum Development  The government sector   The evaluation process   It is vital to establish an
                                                                                              Public Relations
                                                         Developing Potential
                        Analyze Potential
                        Before and After
                                       To align with the current
                                                                          should encompass both
                     analysis of entrepreneurial
                                                                                           channel to publicize the
                                                        and support the project by
                                        introduce occupational
                     potential (Self-Assessment)   situation, the project should   should consistently promote   quantitative and qualitative   accessible and convenient
                     both before and after joining   courses that focus on    prioritizing the development   data. Developing a    project. This will allow
                      the project. This analysis   new career opportunities   of entrepreneurs.    comprehensive data    operators and potential
                     aims to gather information    requiring low investment.   This support should extend   collection model before and   participants to access
                     about the project participants,   These courses should meet    to existing entrepreneurs,   after the potential analysis   project information more
                    identifying their weaknesses,   the market and consumer    helping them sustain and   will provide clearer results   easily.
                      strengths, problems, and    demands, utilizing    grow their businesses,   and enable individual
                    obstacles. This information will   agricultural materials   as well as fostering new   evaluations of project
                     help screen and categorize   to increase income and   entrepreneurs to increase   participants.
                      them according to their    create added value for the   income opportunities for the
                    potential and needs, ensuring   community.  community.
                      tailored development.
                                                                                           Annual Report OSMEP 2022  71
   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78