Page 74 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
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Small & Medium                        Promote business operators in the service sector,
                                                                 including traditional service and modern service
                           Strategy 3                            providers such as hotels, restaurants, tourism
                                                                 businesses, new medical services, elderly care
                           Expanding and internationalizing      services, and transportation businesses.
                           a society of entrepreneurs                     OSMEP, in collaboration with Thammasat University and

                                                                          to develop and adapt to cope with changes. They aim to
              Developing Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises               Silpakorn University, encourages service sector businesses
                                                                          create a prototype of a “New Service Business Model”
                    (SMEs) to Enter New Business era.                     that has been selected and received the SME VUCA World
                                                                          Award, serving as a role model.
            Our focus is on encouraging and nurturing entrepreneurs to   •  Parinya Food Science Limited Partnership, a model of SME VUCA World
            adapt effectively to the rapidly changing world situation in   Award at the Gold level for their product “Soup concentrate.” They implemented
            the VUCA World era.                                     new business service innovations, including a strategic approach to adapt the
                                                                    business. For example, they created an online course called “Spicy Beef Stew Recipe
           The VUCA World is characterized by constant technological changes, disruptions  7 Prototypes of the “New Service Business Model”  by Parinya Food” and linked marketing efforts to target groups. Additionally,
                                                                    they introduced an annual membership program to build a long-term customer
           in consumer behavior, international trade wars, and the impacts of events like   base. After development, their sales increased by 5,584,500 baht, and it is
           COVID-19, which have all posed challenges for SMEs to adapt.  •  The Legacy River Kwai Resort, a model of SME VUCA World Award at the
                                                                    expected that sales will further increase by 22,338,000 baht in the next year.
                                                                    Silver level, employs a strategic approach to adjust its business by defining the
                                                                    atmosphere, environment, and image, presenting the value of the business to
                                                                    gain recognition and access to customers. After the development, there was a
              Vagueness   Complexity   Uncertainty clarity   Volatility   resort’s business plan. They effectively utilize available resources such as the
                                                                    sales increase of 384,000 baht after joining the project, and it is expected that
              in visionary   comprehension  in policy  in adapting   sales will further increase by 4,608,000 baht in the next year.
              approaches                            to change
                                                                   •  Baan Khaolak Beach Resort, a model of SME VUCA World Award at the
                                                                    Bronze level, adopts a strategy for business adaptation by defining the resort’s
            1.  Selecting Pitching:                                 business plan. They clearly analyze customer groups and are ready to deliver
            2.  Knowledge Transfer for                              value to customers, with plans to transform the resort into a comprehensive
              Business Owners and Employees                         service center. They also promote community tourism and contribute back to the
                                                                    community, society, and nature in a sustainable manner. After the development,
            3.  Consultant to Develop                               there was a sales increase of 900,000 baht after joining the project, and it is
              Entrepreneurs and Create New                          expected that sales will further increase by 3,600,000 baht in the next year.
              Business Models                                      • Speed Master, a Model of SME VUCA World Award: “The Visionary - A business
            Entrepreneurs Acquire New                               full of vision, daring to act, and seizing every opportunity and overcoming
                                                                    obstacles.” They have adjusted their business model, offered upgraded
            Management Business Model  Categorized by region  Northern region:   one-stop services and creating awareness through VDO clips and reviews on the
                                                    12 businesses
            Embrace New Concept Service         Northeastern region:   Khon Kaen page, which has increased their visibility. Their car wash / coating /
                                                                    sports car sales business experienced significant sales growth during the
            Technology                               4 businesses   project period, resulting in increased business and 100,000 baht per month
            •  New Service Concept          Eastern region: 9 businesses  in additional employment.
            Providing Service Beyond               Central region:   • Win rehab Clinic, a Model of SME VUCA World Award: “The Wisdom - A business
                                                    11 businesses
            Expectations                       Bangkok: 18 businesses  that understands the context, embraces change, and adapts to customer
            •  New market segment                 Southern region:   needs.” They have implemented a CRM system to streamline customer service,
            •  Data analytics                       22 businesses   reducing steps and time. The system also provides valuable customer
                                                                    information for marketing and sales promotions, leading to a sales increase
                                                                    from 1,200,000 baht to 2,400,000 baht during the trial period. They have hired
                76 businesses have improved their competitiveness   seven employees, contributing to an increase in employment value of 240,000
                                                                    baht and an additional investment of 1,200,000 baht.
                  through the SME VUCA PROACTIVE program.          • Hello Clinic, a Model of SME VUCA World Award: “The Diamond - A business
             Percentage of businesses participating in the project
                                                                    that possesses a system fostering clarity within the team, ensuring swift
                Hotel business,                          32.89%     adaptability.” They successfully implemented a CRM system, streamlining
                  apartment                                         customer service and reducing processing time. Additionally, they utilized
                                                                    customer information for marketing and sales promotion, leading to a remarkable
              Food and beverage                 22.37%              sales increase from 600,000 baht to 3,600,000 baht during the trial period.
                                                                   • 360 Care, a Model of SME VUCA World Award: “The Accelerator - A business
                     Other                                          that rapidly adapts and generates tangible results even in VUCA situations.”
                  businesses*            14.47%                     They ventured into a new business venture called “Tall Center” (Center for
                                                                    Height Potential Development) under the new brand “HiCare Center by Care
                     Travel                                         360,” broadening their customer base by offering affordable and appealing
                   business       6.58%                             products. Following the change, they achieved sales of approximately 2,950,000
                   Massage /                                        baht and made an additional investment of 5,500,000 baht. Furthermore, this
                 spa business    5.26%                              expansion created employment opportunities for 16 individuals, representing
                                                                    an increase in employment value of 500,000 baht.
                   business      5.26%                                    Linking to Tourism Policies
                  Wellness /                                                 Develop services with new concepts that positively
               wellness business  3.95%     865.52                          impact the overall tourism experience.
               Patient / elderly   3.95%    million baht                     Adding Services / Target Groups.
                                                                             Encouraging Government Agencies and Private Sectors
                 care business              Generate economic               in Tourism.
               Massage School /  2.63%      value from domestic           Expanding the Number of Project Participants:
                 Spa Business               sales, investment, and   Uses and Suggestions
                   Transport   2.63%        increased employment.            Increase the number of participants in the project.
                                                                             Help promote broader coverage and inclusivity.
                   business                                                  Expand activities and organize market testing activities.
           Remarks: Other businesses* include: (1) Height increase centers (2) Job search for maids / cleaners     Formulate comprehensive strategies and
           (3) COVID / vitamin lab testing services (4) Food court space rental services (5) Termite control   long-term plans.
           services / insects (6) Elderly transport service (7) Pharmacy (8) Recycling (9) One-stop service for     Ensure that the development period is continuous and
           luxury cars (10) Special Child Development Institute (11) Pet shop  longer than 1 fiscal year.
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