Page 83 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
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Declaration of Intent on good intentions
             and good corporate governance policies

             Declaration of Intent: Mr. Veerapong Malai          Good Corporate Governance Policy
             Position:          Director-General of Office of Small
                                and Medium Enterprises Promotion  To comply with the intent of the Constitution of the
             He has held the office since 13  May 2020 to the present.  Kingdom of Thailand 2007, Royal Decree on Good
                                                                 Country Administration Criteria and Methods 2003,
                                                                 and  the  criteria  of  the  Public  Sector  Management
             According to the National Strategy for the Prevention and
                                                                 Quality Award, which focuses on the development of
             Suppression of Corruption, Phase 3 (2017-2021), the Office   management quality in accordance with good governance
             of Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion (OSMEP) intends     and confroming to the context and circumstances,
             to promote the administration of state affairs with good    directions, and goals of OSMEP to facilitate the efficient
             governance and the prevention and suppression of corruption   administration of OSMEP. This will instill confidence,
                                                                 faith, and trust in government administration among the
             and misconduct in the government sector under the “Zero
                                                                 general public.
             Tolerance and Clean Thailand” vision to encourage society to
             engage in broad anti-corruption behaviors, in which corruption is   As a result, OSMEP has developed a good corporate
             swiftly eradicated through innovative management mechanisms   governance policy comprising four main policies:
                                                                 (1) Government, social, and environmental aspects
             under good governance.
                                                                 (2) Service recipients and stakeholders aspects
                                                                 (3) Organization aspects
             As Director-General of OSMEP, I, Mr. Veerapong Malai, declare
                                                                 (4) Officer aspects
             my intention and pledge to administer and carry out the Office's
             mission in order to achieve the goal of good governance with   It involves establishing guidelines to adhere to the
             integrity, ethics, and transparency. In this regard, I will support  primary policies as a guideline and shared values for all
                                                                 organizations and personnel, which should be taken as
             the development of a management system for the organization
                                                                 a guideline along with the rules and regulations.
             that incorporates quality standards, facilitates and responds
             to service recipients and other stakeholders in a manner that
             is convenient, prompt, transparent, and verifiable. I shall also

             cooperate with all sectors in the prevention and suppression of
                                                                                      (Mr. Veerapong Malai)
             corruption based on the public’s common interests. Also, I shall
                                                                                      December 30 , 2020.
             strive to develop MSME to enhance my potential as a leader in
             driving MSME toward sustainable prosperity. To achieve the
                                                                                    OSMEP does not accept gifts
             intention, six aspects of the morality and transparency policy
                                                                                     and other benefits on every
             have been
                                                                                     occasion and every festival
             1. Good Governance
                                                                                       Thank you for every kindness
             2. Accountability
             3. Corruption – Free
             4. Integrity Culture                                 Channels for   To Director   The Office of SME Promotion (OSMEP)
                                                                submitting comments      No. 21 TST Tower, G Floor, 17-18, 23
             5. Work Integrity                                  or opinions about the      Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Chomphon,
                                                                service's operations      Chatuchak District, Bangkok 10900.
             6. Internal Communication                          or complaints against   Telephone   Call Center Number 1301
                                                                 corrupt employees   e-mail
                                                                and OSMEP officers  Website
             Announced on May 29 , 2020.

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