Page 79 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
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                             Strategy 4
                             Driving the organizational
                             into a High Performance Agency

                   Enhancing                         Elevate management              Drive the organization
                   Smart People                      to Smart Office                 to be effective according
                                                                                     to the standard

               11 Processes have been developed   Develop technology systems for         90.76 points
               and affected SME Journey, including:  in-house operations, including:
                                                                                         out of 100
                       1. Planning Yearly PR plan                                        The results of Integrity and
                       2. PR news through different       VDI system                     Transparency Assessment (I.T.A.)
                         channels                         Secure Drive Documentation     by the Board of Directors
                       3. PR services                     Management System              B.E. 2565 by Prevention and
                       4. Advice and sharing              Electronic documentation       Suppression of National
                       5. SMEs member registration        system signed in e-signature    Corruption (P.P.D.)
                       6. Develop SME One ID              format.                        Performance evaluation of
                       7. Benefits development         Develop an evaluation system      working capital for the fiscal
                       8. Academy 365 knowledge        (D Performance).                  year 2565 by the Central
                       9. Develop SME CONNEXT                                            Accounting Department, which
                      10. Follow up and evaluate SME                                     has a self-evaluation score at
                      11. Stakeholder exploration      • 5-Year Human Resources          4.6654 points
                                                        Management Plan                  From total score at 5
               Achieved 9 Plans                         (B.E. 2566 - 2570).
               Organization development according
               to PMQA 4.0                             • 5-Year Operation plan of   Infosys Co., Ltd.
                                                        OSMEP (reviewed from B.E    1. The number of respondents improved by 511
                       1. Strengthening corporate culture.  2566 - 2570) and the MPC’s      respondents.
                                                                                 2. The number of respondents answered the
                       2. Survey of Service Provider /    action plan B.E. 2566     satisfaction questionnaire rotal 2,010
                         Stakeholder expectations.                                respondents.
                       3. Elevation of the House of    • Organizational development   MSME receives benefit from service
                         Representatives to be a digital    planning according to   1  participation in a project from an MP
                         organization.                  PMQA 4.0 of B.E. 2566 for   and business improved by 98.43%
                       4. Establishment of a personnel tie.  application for evaluation
                       5. Enhancement of virtue and     of government 4.0        2  The satisfaction scenario is at the
                         transparency.                 • Development of a high-     highest level at the average is 4.32
                       6. Promotion of public and local    potential management     points or  86.45%
                         networks.                      system (Talent Management   Policy Awareness Survey Results of OSMEP
                       7. Cost reduction                System).                in promoting the country's MSME Or
                       8. Personnel development supports                        85.92%, with 1,035 respondents from
                         knowledge skills in the 21     • Provision of Succession Plan.  4 groups:
                         century, according to PMQA 4.0  • Development and
                       9. Raising the knowledge         enhancement of employee
                         management system to the       engagement.               MSME   Partner  Mass media  People
                         corporate level.                                       Entrepreneur

                                                                                           Annual Report OSMEP 2022  77
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84