Page 78 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
P. 78

Focused Target

                           Strategy 3
                           Expanding and internationalizing        “OSMEP supports expenditure for SME
                           a society of entrepreneurs              development in form of co-payment by
                                                                     50-80% according to business size,
               SME Promotion though BDS System                            total fund not higher than

                                                                             200,000 baht”
                   Promote and support SME entrepreneurs to
                   get opportunities to access business development
                   services in a new model. For this reason,
                   SME entrepreneurs can be developed with
                   (Business Development Service Provider:
                   BDSP) in 6 aspects, including:

              Production       Business       Product quality
             and Business     Development    development and
             Performance      and Business   Product standard
             enhancement      Management

             Distribution     International    Innovation
               Channel          Market         Development
             Development      Development

               Business Service Provider Registration Process               Service Procedures

                                           1                                                1
                                      Register BDS to                                     Member
                                    become SMEs member                                  authentication

                          2                                                2
                  Prepare service details                           Project registeration

                                           3                                                3
                                     Providing business                                   Prepare
                                        services to                                    development plan

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