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Performance of the Integrity and Transparency
                          Assessment: ITA 2022

                                                          The evaluation tool consists of 3 types.

                                                            1    Internal Integrity and Transparency Assessment (IIT)

                                                            2    External Integrity and Transparency Assessment (EIT)

                                                            3    Open Data Integrity and Transparency Assessment (OIT)
           Performance of the Integrity and
           Transparency Assessment: ITA 2022              Assessment criteria is divided into 7 levels
                                                               Score      Level           Score      Level
           ITA assessment is compared based on the measurement
                                                             95.00 - 100   AA           55.00 - 64.99  D
           target value that is defined according to national policies
                                                             85.00 - 94.99  A           50.00 - 54.99  E
           and plans, which is Master Plan under National Strategy
                                                              75.00 - 84.99  B            0 - 49.99    F
           Issue 21 Resistance of Corruption B.E. 2561-2580 has set
                                                             65.00 - 74.99  C
           the target of indicators for government agencies to achieve
           an ITA evaluation score (85 points or more) of at least 80%.
                                                          ITA results overview of 2022 is 90.76 points, classified as A Rank.
           In 2022, the framework for implementation is still in place,   The assessment revealed that the top three indicators were
           which is continuous from previous years' assessments,    the prevention of corruption (OIT measure 10) and scored 100
           so the agencies participating in the evaluation have    disclosures  (OIT  measure  9).  The  score  was  93.78,  and  the
           developed operations following the framework and criteria   performance of duties (IT measure 1) was 92.71
           for ITA assessment. However, this year's ITA assessment
                                                          IIT                      EIT
           has been revised some parts, including:
                                                          Indicator 1  Performance of duties  Indicator 6   Operation quality
           1.  Mechanization of the assessment process, NACC   Indicator 2  Budget spending  Indicator 7   Communication
                                                          Indicator 3  Exercise of authority     performance
             will be the Primary Storage and Evaluation, Directed                  Indicator 8   Functional Improvement
                                                          Indicator 4  Use of Government
             by Monitoring Recommendations in conjunction with      Property       OIT
             the assessment monitoring agency, including: PACC   Indicator 5  Corruption   Indicator 9   Disclosure
             Office of the State Enterprise Policy Board Office of the      Troubleshooting  Indicator 10  Prevention of Corruption
                                                                                                   Rank A
             Permanent Secretary for Higher Education, Science,   ITA Assessment Score 2022  Overall score at  90.76
             Research, and the Department of Local Government
             Promotion.                                        93.78  92.71  90.88  88.05  86.58
           2.  Adjustment of the duration of some assessment topics                      85.31  84.73  84.48  82.27
             to enhance the opportunity for government personnel
             and the public to receive services. The government has
             been involved in reflecting opinions to improve public
           3. Adjustment of some OIT assessment topics,
             cooperation between NACC and the Office of PACC to
                                                            OIT Indicator 10  OIT Indicator 9  IIT Indicator 1  EIT Indicator 6  IIT Indicator 4  IIT Indicator 2  IIT Indicator 3  IIT Indicator 5  EIT Indicator 7  EIT Indicator 8
             drive the policy and adjust the assessment components
             to be clear.

       78  รายงานประจำาป สสว. 2565
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85