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Departmental Description
                            of Job Responsibilities

             1. Units reporting directly to
             the Director-General

             Responsibilities: Support and facilitate administration by
             OSMEP’s senior management and personnel; plan public
             relations media; and conduct internal audits of budgets,
             finance, accounting, supplies, and execution of OSMEP’s
             plans for efficient outcomes under good governance. These
             responsibilities are conducted by:
                                                               2.1  SME Policy and Planning Department
             1.1  Office of Internal Audit                         This department maps out SME promotion plans; develops
                 This office conducts audits to upgrade and improve     SME policy recommendations and promotional measures at macro,
             OSMEP’s job performance against goals; provides advice for   economic sector, local, and development issue levels; maps out
             efficiency improvement of risk management: and reviews internal   short-term, medium- term, and long-term SME promotional plans
             audits as directed.                               including actions plans for more competitiveness; integrates
                                                               SME promotion budgets; recommends factors favoring business
             1.2  Office of the Director-General               circumstances; and conducts policy and applied research for
                 This department serves as secretariat to the Board-appointed   SME promotion plan preparation.
             committees or sub-committees; conducts administrative tasks
             for OSMEP management; office correspondence; corporate   2.2  International Cooperation Department
             image; and public relations and communications (external and      This department coordinates and evolves cooperation with
             internal).                                        international agencies and organizations; maps out action plans
                                                               and cooperation projects to develop networks; analyzes impacts
             2. Policy and Strategy Unit                       of agreements, circumstances, and SME promotion guidelines

                                                               of other countries; racks intelligence about international
             Responsibilities: Develop recommendations, policies, strategies,   conferences;  evolves  cooperation  programs  for  project
             and measures for SME promotion, define master plans and action   management; and represents OSMEP in improving relations
             plans; study and develop policy recommendations for more SME   with international agencies and welcoming delegates of
             competitiveness at overall, branch, local, and key issue levels;   international organizations.
             investigate international promotional policies and measures;
             coordinate with other countries and international organizations;   2.3  Cooperate Strategy Management Department
             recommend OSMEP strategies and action plans: and formulate      This department advocates directions, strategies, and
             OSMEP budget plans and action plans. These responsibilities   action plans; develops OSMEP administrative systems; and
             are conducted by:                                 plans, analyzes, and prepares budgets supporting OSMEP’s
                                                               efficiency as well as achievement of its objectives and goals.

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