Page 126 - รายงานประจำปี 2565 สสว
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3. Data and Situation Unit

           Responsibilities: Analyze, design, and develop assorted databases
           for modernity and efficiency; publicize SME data; develop and
           compile SME data in assorted fashions in support of the SME
           promotion mission; track situations and develop warning systems
           for SME businesses; develop policy indices for SME promotion
           efficiency; administer and develop internal information networks;
           and tracks outcomes of SME promotion. These responsibilities   4. Business network Promotion
           are conducted by:                                 and Coordination Unit

           3.1  Data and Information Department              Responsibilities: Establish and transfer SME expertise: provide
               This  department  develops  and  manages  databases;    advice for formalizing SME registration: develop benefits systems:
           compiles and analyzes data; tracks SME situations for policy   assess the caliber of businesses: develop promotion systems; form
           recommendations and SME promotion plan development;     networks for SME promotion with public and private agencies for
           administers and manages information network systems inside     SME assistance and promotion to align with promotion plans’
           OSMEP;  analyzes,  designs,  and  improves  databases  for    strategies and measures in an efficient fashion, with minimized
           systematic  linkage;  and  promotes  information  system     redundancy and mutual support. These responsibilities are
           application of OSMEP.                             conducted by:

           3.2  Economic Analysis and Risk Warning Department  4.1  SME business promotion department
               This department tracks and analyzes SME situations;        This department provides primary services to SMEs; develops
           analyzes situations and socio-economic indicators affecting   information and expertise (in depth and broad) of businesses;
           SMEs; develops policy indices to gauge SME promotion efficiency   publicizes information and expertise to SMEs through assorted
           leading to advocacy of policies and measures, and development    channels in a thorough way and suiting SME groups’ specific
           of monitoring and compilation plans; and develops SME     needs; provides preliminary recommendations to SMEs; establishes
           promotion systems.                                tools for assessing business caliber; develops member registration
                                                             and improves benefits; and develops SME promotion systems.
           3.3  Monitoring and Evaluation Department
               This department tracks and assesses project outcomes   4.2  SME Service Provider Network Coordination
           under OSMEP’s fundamental mission, SME promotion plans,      This department bolsters cooperation among SME service
           and action plans under and outside SME Fund budgets (inside   providers in the public and private sectors across the country
           and beyond SME promotion plans).                  and internationally for unified SME promotion, minimized
                                                             redundancy, and mutual support.

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